Entries by USA Student Debt Relief Receivership

How to Avoid Student Loan Forgiveness Scams

Student loan forgiveness calls, emails, or text messages setting off your scam sensors? Read on to learn how to identify and avoid student loan forgiveness scams and find out what you should do if you think you’ve been scammed. Scams come in all shapes and sizes, from phone calls and emails to text messages. You […]

Protect Yourself from Cyber Scammers and Identity Thieves!

As a college student, you live on your devices—like your phone and laptop—and rely on them for your social and scholastic lives. Cyber criminals and identity thieves know that too, which is why so many prey on college students, looking to steal your personal information, your money, or both! The impact of these student-centered scams […]

Protect Yourself from Student Loan Debt Relief Scams

Fraudsters and cyber criminals prey on college graduates and their desire to pay down or consolidate student loan debt. Don’t fall for it! Your identity stolen. Credit cards and loans taken out in your name. Bank account zeroed out. Credit score ruined. This is what can happen if you fall victim to a student loan […]

FTC Acts to Stop Debt Relief Scheme Targeting Spanish-Speaking Student Loan Borrowers

FTC Acts to Stop Debt Relief Scheme Targeting Spanish-Speaking Student Loan Borrowers The Federal Trade Commission has stopped the operators of a scheme that it says tricked financially strapped consumers seeking student loan relief into paying hundreds of dollars in junk fees. The operators often targeted Spanish-speaking consumers in Puerto Rico, pretended to be affiliated with […]

La FTC actúa para detener un esquema de alivio de deudas que apunta contra deudores de préstamos estudiantiles hispanohablantes

La agencia dice que los estafadores fingieron estar afiliados con el Departamento de Educación y atrajeron a consumidores con problemas financieros con falsas promesas y comentarios positivos falsos La Comisión Federal de Comercio (FTC, por su sigla en inglés) ha detenido el accionar de los operadores de un esquema que, según afirma, engañaba a los […]